Berikut ini adalah daftar 50 pilihan (alamat) widget-widget menarik yang bisa anda sisipkan dan tampilkan di dalam blog anda untuk membuat tampilan blog anda lebih variatif dan mengesankan bagi para pengunjung blog anda. Selamat dicoba !!
MyBlogLog’s Recent Readers - this widget can easily be called a hit amongst blog owners; its popularity even managed to convince Yahoo into buying MyBlogLog. The widget lets you see the avatars of recent visitors to your blog, provided they’re also members of MyBlogLog.
Mashable - get the latest social networking news from this very site.
Flickr Flash Photo Stream Badge - display images from your Flickr profile with a handy Flash photo stream.
Preview Anywhere - see a live preview of outgoing links in a small popup which activates on mouseover. Some find this annoying, while others might find it useful.
Twitter Badge - if your life is so interesting that everyone must know what you’re up to all the time, then a Twitter badge is the ideal counterpart to your blog. It’ll proudly displays your recent tweets.
Digg News - display the latest Digg links on your blog. Themeable and fully customizable.
FEEDJIT - real time traffic data directly in your blog’s sidebar.
LineBuzz - inline comments for your blog. Very handy for blogs with frequent lively discussions.
Flixn - display a stream directly from your webcam, so your blog visitors can always see what you’re up to.
3Jam - lets your visitors send messages to your mobile phone, without them knowing your phone number.
Jaxtr - with Jaxtr, your visitors can actually call you to your mobile phone; again, your number stays private.
LinkedInABox - show off your LinkedIn profile. Perfect for personal blogs.
Box Widget - enable visitors to use’s online storage directly on your web site.
Price of gas - displaying gas prices on your blog might seem unnecessary to some, but it’s cool if you have a traffic/travel related blog.
iBegin Weather Widget - Display weather information in your sidebar. Just like with Price of Gas, works great with travel-related blogs.
ClockLink - display time in various time zones with these nifty Flash clocks.
Film Loops - display the latest loops from your FilmLoops account.
Daily Painters - display paintings from famous painters on your blog.
WhoLinked - show your visitors which sites have recently linked to your web site. Works with all major blog platforms.
Criteo AutoRoll - displays links to blogs similar to your blog.
Bitty Browser - embed a cute, fully functional mini web browser to your blog.
Leafletter - create a mini website and embed it into your blog.
WikiSeek - search Wikipedia with this simple widget.
FeedCount - show off the number of visitors to your blog with this handy little button.
Technorati Link Count - display the number of links your website has from one of the biggest blog authorities - Technorati.
MyPageRank - another good way to show how “big” your blog is is to show off your Google PageRank.
CheckPageRank - in addition to showing your PageRank, this widget also shows your Alexa ranking.
BlinkxIt - embed a link to related videos directly into your website.
Skype button - display your Skype online/offline status on your blog.
RockYou Horoscope - not something I would personally use, but some people are into horoscope. Hell, most people are into horoscope. Anyway, this widget shows horoscope (doh!) and does it in a nicely designed colorful box. Tagometer - display how many times have users saved your page. Linkrolls - this badge shows your latest bookmarks from
Timelines - need to create a timeline? Seek no further. This widget makes it really easy.
PollDaddy - PollDaddy lets you create beautiful polls in no time, and display them at your blog.
Vizu - another poll-making widget, compatible with all major blog platforms.
AnswerTips - display definitions from for various terms on your blog. The definitions are shown in bubbles which are activated on doubleclick.
AnswerBoxes - give your visitors a chance to enter a term themselves, and get a definition from
Now Playing - if you got to share your current playlist contents with the world, Sigamp will do the trick. Works with most popular music players, including Foobar, Winamp, iTunes and others.
BuzzBoost - display headlines from your RSS feed on any website.
LibraryThing - show off the latest books you’ve been reading.
Plaxo Address Book - let your most faithful visitors access their address books direclty from your site.
AuctionAds - a widget that displays auctioned items on eBay, and gives you a percentage of the price paid when sometimes buys an item.
aStore - similar to AuctionAds, only for Amazon. Create a mini-store on your site and receive profit when someone buys an item through your store.
Plazes - show your current location on a Plazes map.
Stockalicious - track your portfolio with this widget, and share it with others. Let everyone know how much money you’ve lost.
Yahoo! For Good - create a charity badge and ask for donations for a worthy cause.
Giftspace - your friends never know what to buy you for birthday? Let them know what you really want with this nifty widget.
MixMap - see where are the visitors to your MySpace profile from on a map.
Google Map Widget - display a searchable Google Map on your website.
Google Video Search - add a video search form and selected videos to your web site.
Odeo player - display an Odeo player for and podcast right there in your sidebar.
sang pemimpimencari uang lewat
- Posted: Jumat, Agustus 20, 2010
- |
- Author: Lalu Lintas
People String sudah menjadi bagian dari lima kekuatan besar dunia dengan enggota kebanyakan dari Amerika dan Canada, India dan Indonesia (6%). Diprediksi akan meledak melebihi Twitter dan Facebook. Saat posting ini ditulis sudah mencapai ranking alexa 6.000-an.
Cara Pendaftaran
- Klik Sign up now disini (link referal saya)
- Isi username.
- Untuk daftar gratis pilih Free Account (yang bayar juga boleh).
- Isi formulir.
- Login.
- Click Mailbox Cashbox.
- Klik Take your survey.
- Jawab survey (kalau tidak ngerti, isi aja).
- Selesai. Beberapa minggu kemudian akan datang surat ke rumah Anda yang berisi code rahasia. Gunakan code itu untuk mulai aktifkan proses aliran Dollar ke rekening Anda.
Manfaat People String
- $1.53 langsung setelah selesai registrasi.
- $0.50 untuk setiap teman yang Anda ajak bergabung.
- Komisi dari setiap teman dalam group Anda sampai level 6: 20% (direct referral) dan (6% level) 2-6 untuk entrepreneur member, 5% (direct referral) dan 2% (level 2-6) untuk free member.
Cara Menjalankan Bisnis Ini
Dilihat dari skemanya, mirip dengan MLM. Bedanya adalah bisa gratis dan kita tidak perlu menjual untuk mendapatkan komisi. Jualan kita hanya mengajak orang untuk bergabung. Relatif mudah dibanding harus ada uang pendaftaran, belanja tutup point, dan menjual produk.Dari mana People String mengumpulkan uang itu?
People String dibayar oleh perusahaan atau pengusaha yang memasang iklan. Iklan-iklan tersebut disalurkan oleh People String melalui mail (surat pos) dan email (surat elektronik), serta dipasang langsung pada website People String.Mail dan email dikirim kepada para member. Jumlahnya tergantung pada permintaan member. Pada waktu menjawab questioner Anda tentukan sendiri berapa surat dan email yang mau Anda terima setiap hari. Surat dan email tersebut tidak perlu Anda baca (tidak wajib). Putuskan sendiri apakah Anda mau membaca atau tidak.
Jadi sama sekali tidak ada beban tambahan di sini; berbeda dengan skema pembayaran untuk baca email yang biasa dikenal di mana Anda harus membaca email-emal yang masuk. tunggu apa lagi buruan daftar : disini (link referal saya).
Apakah Program Ini Membayar?
Saya tidak bisa menjamin, sebab saya belum pernah (karena baru ikutan). Memang mendengar dari teman yang ngajak dan saya baca diberbagai forum dan blog, program ini membayar. Lagi pula, kita bisa menambah jaringan melalui komunitas sosial ini, terutama jaringan bisnis. Kalaupun tidak membayar, tidak ada ruginya.Sekarang daftar dulu disini. Bagaimana cara promosinya? Akan dibahas pada artikel selanjutnya.
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50 widget menarik untuk blog
- Posted: Rabu, Juli 28, 2010
- |
- Author: Lalu Lintas
Tadi waktu searcing2 nemu file .rar berisi tutorial untuk memproteksi atau mengeset password untuk folder tanpa menggunakan software apapun. Lalu daripada blog ini nggak ada isinya mending tak masukin aja
Kalau saja ada link yang buat tutorial, pasti dah tak cantumin disini, berhubung nggak ada ya nggak tak kasi
Oke, mari kita mulai
Siapkan notepad untuk mencopy tulisan yang dicetak miring berikut:
title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End
* Copy ke notepad
* Ganti "type your password here" dengan password anda
* Simpan sebagai batch file (extensi .bat) dengan nama apa aja bisa
* Sekarang kjalankan file .bat tersebut, jika sukses maka sebuah folder aka dibuat oleh file bat tadi dengan nama "Locker"
* Pindahkan file ke dalam folder "Locker" tadi
* Untuk mengunci, jalankan file bat tadi
* Untuk membuka, jalankan lagi file bat tersebut.
Label: Blogger, Tips and Trik
Kalau saja ada link yang buat tutorial, pasti dah tak cantumin disini, berhubung nggak ada ya nggak tak kasi
Oke, mari kita mulai
Siapkan notepad untuk mencopy tulisan yang dicetak miring berikut:
title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End
* Copy ke notepad
* Ganti "type your password here" dengan password anda
* Simpan sebagai batch file (extensi .bat) dengan nama apa aja bisa
* Sekarang kjalankan file .bat tersebut, jika sukses maka sebuah folder aka dibuat oleh file bat tadi dengan nama "Locker"
* Pindahkan file ke dalam folder "Locker" tadi
* Untuk mengunci, jalankan file bat tadi
* Untuk membuka, jalankan lagi file bat tersebut.
50 Pilihan Widget Menarik Untuk Blog Anda
Lemon Twist Blogger Template is an extremely beautiful blogger template created by JackBook.Com based on Lemon Twist Wordpress themes by You can edit this words into your own.